C-256/01, Allonby
• Context: This case involves Article 45 TFEU (Free Movement of Persons) and the right to residence.
1. Facts:
◦ The case concerned the re-employment of former college lecturers under a self-employed scheme, facilitated by a private independent company, rather than being directly employed by the college.
2. Outcome:
◦ The ECJ extended the definition of the term worker to include self-employed persons.
◦ The court’s decision impacted the re-employment of former lecturers under the new self-employed framework, affirming that self-employment also falls under the protection of Article 45 TFEU.
3. Impact and Analysis:
◦ Expanded Definition of Worker: The case highlighted that the term "worker" includes not only traditional employees but also self-employed individuals under EU law.
◦ Self-Employment: This extension ensures that self-employed persons enjoy similar protections and rights as traditional workers, including those related to the free movement and residence provisions.