C-346/06, Ruffert [2008]

C-346/06, Ruffert [2008]
Photo by Danist Soh / Unsplash

• Context: This case deals with Article 56 TFEU, concerning the free movement of services, particularly in the context of posted workers. It falls under the broader jurisprudence known as the "Laval Quartet," which addresses the interaction between economic freedoms and social rights.

• Facts: A German company posted workers to a construction project in Poland. The project was subject to Polish public procurement rules, which mandated that workers be paid according to local wage standards.

• Outcome: The European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled that the host member state (Poland) could not impose domestic standards on posted workers if there was already “essentially comparable protection” provided in the home member state (Germany). The ruling emphasised that the application of national standards should not unjustifiably restrict the free movement of services.