DPP v Majewski [1977]
1. Facts:
• D assaulted a police officer while voluntarily intoxicated.
2. Outcome:
• Conviction for ABH was upheld.
3. Impact and Analysis:
• Distinction Between Specific and Basic Intent:
◦ Specific Intent: Voluntary intoxication can be a defence if it negates the specific intent required for the offence (e.g., murder).
◦ Basic Intent: Voluntary intoxication is not a defence for crimes of basic intent, such as ABH, where recklessness or negligence suffices for the mens rea.
• Legal Precedent: Established a clear legal distinction in how voluntary intoxication affects criminal liability based on the type of intent required for the offence.
• Culpability: Reinforced that voluntary intoxication does not absolve individuals of responsibility for actions requiring basic intent.