Federal Commerce and Navigation Co Ltd v Molena Alpha Inc [1978]

Federal Commerce and Navigation Co Ltd v Molena Alpha Inc [1978]

Key Notes

In this case, Lord Denning commented on the evolution of the relationship between law and equity, observing that more than 100 years after the passing of the Judicature Acts, the two systems had effectively merged. He stated that law and equity had become "indistinguishable" from one another. This reflects the integration achieved by the Judicature Acts, which abolished the historical separation of courts of law and equity, allowing both legal and equitable principles to be applied in a unified judicial system.

Lord Denning’s remark highlights the modern reality that courts no longer treat law and equity as distinct domains but as part of a single cohesive legal framework. This integration aims to ensure justice is delivered effectively, blending the rigidity of legal rules with the flexibility of equitable principles.