Re C v XYZ County Council [2007]

Re C v XYZ County Council [2007]

Key Points:

• Disclosure of Identity:

◦ The Court of Appeal ruled that the Adoption and Children Act 2002 did not compel the local authority to disclose the child’s identity to extended family members if the mother opposed it.

◦ Article 8 ECHR was considered, recognising the grandparents’ right to be informed about the child.

◦ The father’s right to be informed was not recognised, as he had indicated no interest in the child.


• Parental Wishes vs. Extended Family Rights:

◦ The case highlights the balance between respecting the mother's wishes regarding confidentiality and the extended family's right to know about the child.

◦ The decision underscores the authority's discretion in handling such disclosures under current legislation.